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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 30 - While the Chronicler Tarries

Work Continues -
While the chronicler is away, progress is ongoing at the church building. The bosses use a size large white board to dole out the necessary tasks.

Last week I received pictures but only now am I able to put them to use. Updating the blog cannot be safely done while driving a car. 

Aare stains the door jambs to fit with the walnut trim. 

 It looks to me like he succeeded. At least he made them darker.

Walnut trim boards cut and planed await installation.

Walnut rough boards that were adjudged unacceptable for further processing. We could say they did not make the cut.

Door Jambs Need Doors -
The sanctuary, now with walls and ceiling primed, is deployed as a door chop shop.

Charles and Steve are the official door choppers. All the doors salvaged from a construction site have to be resized to fit the openings at the church. Apparently it is easier to resize the doors than the openings so chop the doors. The doors also need to change color to fit the decor but that process has not yet started.

Pew Stripping - 
Dave is stripping the old finish off the newly acquired pews.

And not just Dave, but also Tom and Ed.

It is a necessary task and they are proceeding energetically. All the purchased pews were disassembled and are now being exfoliated with strong chemicals and vigorous rubdown with steel blades.

Pew pieces patiently await their turn for resurfacing. As a general rule, wood furniture surfaces are finished with the idea of having durable wear surfaces. Removing old varnish in order to change the color and add a new wear surface is labor intensive and tedious. But when the pews compliment the other wood in the sanctuary all the effort will have been worthwhile.

Outside Work - 
The portico is having a shingled covering installed.

A crew utilizes manual excavators to smooth the ground in preparation for the ...

installation of the "outdoor green organic carpet" as Bob calls it. It sure makes a pretty picture.

Another New Addition -
A congregation member spotted an ad for a piano being sold. The music folks checked it out and decided the condition merited the selling price and behold, we now own a piano. It is now in the flex room which room is already demonstrating its flexibility.

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