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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

November 7 - Finishing Up

Tunnel at the End of the Light -
A week ago Sam claimed he could see light at the end of the tunnel. As I look at all the activity in various parts of the building, see tasks that clearly are finishing chores and see all the things remaining to be done, I am thinking we are in the tunnel near the end of the light. Still, we carry on.
Finishing Tasks - Plumbing
For example, the plumbing fixtures are installed. That is these drinking fountains are hanging on the wall, but there is no water connected, so you still cannot get a drink there.

Toilets are hanging on the wall and there is even water in the bowl, but no partitions, no toilet seats or paper dispensers. Again, no water connected so when the water in the bowl evaporates, you need a bucket to replenish it.

Anchoring Pews -
Pews have been anchored to the floor so jumpy folks like me can't make them wander around the floor. Neither can I make them rock.

Brent drilled a few thousand holes in the floor and proudly reported puncturing no orange heating tubes buried in the concrete, which seems fortunate indeed. Some people have amazing discretion and know when to stop.

 Luke and Loren crawled, swam and slithered around on the floor, pounding anchors into the holes and  turning screws to affix angle brackets to the floor and pew ends.

They also measured and marked the floor first so the pews are properly spaced. Luke helped the chronicler test the spacing. I am happy to report that it is possible to pass someone sitting in the bench without having to leap or use the front pew for a vaulting rail.

And Thresholds -

Bob wandered from doorway to doorway attaching weather strips to help keep the cold out and the warm in. At least in the winter that is how it is supposed to work. Maybe with daylight savings time the in and out get reversed.

Sealing Crevices - 
A few young folks and Steve crawled around the perimeter putting on tape, caulking the crevice under the baseboard and then removing the tape.

Brian performed a similar task in the mother's room, but he first slid a shim in to make sure the pane did not rattle to pain the listeners in the room. The photographer includes his image of approval.
Coat Rack - 
Nate bores into the walnut to manufacture a coat rack, an essential fixture in Minnesota.

Eric is either fitting a jig for proper coat peg length or else he is about to shorten his tape measure.
After cutting a few hundred or so, the next step is to sand off the sharp edges so neither coats or fingers get wounded.
Eric's jeans show what happens if this step is not taken.

Finally, the rack is installed. Kevin keeps a closed eye on the installation crew. Quality control is very important.

Last Load of Concrete -
Saturday morning saw the last delivery of concrete. The remaining half of the dumpster pad beyond the parking lot was poured as were the foundations for the lights to be installed in the parking lot. Electrician Phil pulls the wires needed to make the lot lighter.

Saturday was not a pleasant day to be playing outside which Sam discovers as he smooths the post top. But like the trusty mail service, neither rain, nor sleet nor gloom of night can stop the work. I guess the concrete will set up even if the weather is cold and wet.

There is one small patch in the mechanical room that has the distinction of being the last bit of concrete installed. Check this item off the list.

Garage Sale - 
Even with quite a few tasks remaining, many tools and assorted supplies are no longer needed. So naturally, we have a garage sale. Members have been invited to check out the inventory and buy these items for a reasonable donation to the building fund.

Construction savvy lookers, Ami and Loren, take stock of the stock.

Bob applies his best salesmanship as he outfits Elias with a cordless tool setup. I thought I overheard something about being worth several thousands, but my hearing aids may have been deceiving me.

Cleaning the Glass - 
Sasha and Callie work on opposite sides of the glass, with each able to point out the spots on the other side of the pane.

Aaron needs long arms and a long handle besides to reach the top of the tall windows on the end wall of the sanctuary.

Pewed Sanctuary -

The pews are in place, the lights are working and final task list is being mowed down. Should the remaining work go as hoped, we will celebrate our first services in the building on November nineteenth.
 And with pews in place, the seating reservations are flooding in.

1 comment:

  1. God has blessed you with willing workers, and now a beautiful church.
