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Monday, July 17, 2017

July 17 - Noting an Anniversary and Reflecting on a Song

Building Project Update-
Construction boss Bob gave the customary building update to the congregation after the sermon and just before the last song of the morning service. He noted that on Tuesday, July 18 it will be one year to the day since construction started on the church building. The blog post with that date is entitled 'The Work Begins' and one picture shows a brown dirt patch in a green grassy field where the excavation was started.
In his update, Bob stated that the end is perhaps now in sight but a great deal of work remains before the end is realized. He encouraged the congregation to remain diligent in working on the church. The sooner our building is ready, the sooner we can make the school into a memory.

The service closed with the congregation singing song #253. It seemed odd to me to sing a 'wedding song' at the closing of services. As we sang, the words penetrated my wee mind.
"You made us for each other, God, You gave us one another." Clearly the words fit well at a wedding but never in all my born days had I applied those words to my fellow travelers, the workmen at the building site, and the rest of the families supporting the work however they are able.
'Oh, may our hearts abide in love that each would serve the other."

We continued on  to the second and third verses:

"O Jesus, come and guide our plans; we need Your gracious blessing, We give our lives into Your hands; keep us from fears distressing."

"O Spirit, rich in truth and grace, bestow Your warmth and power, and shine the light of Jesus' face on us each day and hour."

As the words soaked in, a tear welled up in this old guy's eye.

1 comment:

  1. Good information and great post. I like the website, and am sure to keep returning.Visit: Building Inspectors
