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Saturday, June 3, 2017

June 3 -Wildlife, Portico and Drywall

Wildlife - 
While I have not personally seen any wildlife prowling in the church yard, I did see the evidence of it being there. When the mud dried out, clear footprints were left behind. Not being a wildlife expert, I only speculate without confidence on the critters that left these prints. I suspect a deer is responsible for these ones.

I do not think a deer left these impressions.

Portico - 
Some days ago, I noticed this construction outside the front door. 

It maybe easier to see looking from the inside. I recognized the resemblance to a hitch rail for tying horses, but it was too short for that. Unable to cipher it on my own, I requested assistance. Ken informed me that it is the center line for the portico.
It has since disappeared, so I wondered if the portico idea has been abandoned.

Much to my relief, I learn that it has not. Actually, factually progress has been recorded in making it become a reality. For example, pyramids have been delivered.
You may ask, what is the connection between pyramids and porticoes? These are the forms for the concrete pillars which will be the base for the supporting posts.

This is a look inside. Being close with a wide angle lens distorts the dimensions. They are angled on the inside as well as the outside. It is rumored that an old time concrete finisher is being lured out of retirement to help with filling them with mud.

Drywall -
The inspector gave the go ahead to cover some of the walls, so that accounted for most of Saturday's activity. Three teams work on three walls.

Aare and Ami muscle a sheet into place. The wall behind the pulpit is pretty tall. I was not able to watch the top of the wall being covered but I do not think they could do it using those ladders.

Hang the panel then trim for the window opening. Cutting Sheetrock generates a mess of dust.

 Aare reached the end of his arm from the top of the ladder putting in the top corner screw on this sheet.

Dave and Glenn grunt a size large panel into  place.

Using a scrap of plywood and a stubby 2x4 as a lever and fulcrum, the heavy sheet is jockeyed into position. Phil on the scaffold calls out directions.
A little higher. A little more yet. There!
Then the screw gun rattles a fastener in and the muscle guys can relax a bit.

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