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Monday, December 19, 2016

December 19 - The Weather Turned Cold

Twenty Below Zero -
Saturday morning I got the following text from Bob saying, "Don't know if you've gotten the memo but no work at the church today". I think the high temp for the day was minus 10. Well, I was hoping to get out to the job site Saturday, but with the weather so cold I was not sad to stay home by the fireplace. I did hear later that both Bob and Sam were there, and Sam told me on Sunday that a few more hearty souls also ventured out. By Monday it was in the twenties above zero. So I made the trek Monday evening.
We also received a fresh snow job before the sub-zero temps moved in so the building actually looks quite pretty. Maybe we should hang a wreath on the door for Christmas. I took the above photo when we first arrived. I took the one at left just before I left. Note the photographers shadow stretching all the way to the door. The shadow is caused by the car approaching the photographer from behind. Needless to say I hastened my exit.

New Heat - 
On arrival at the site I learned that we now have permanent temporary heat, as if I am not confused easily enough already. There is a new, size large fire breathing dragon plumbed into the propane tank. The picture on the right shows the beast with his (it must be a 'he') black feeder hose and his large exhaust pipe. The picture below show the view looking right down his flaming throat. I am feeling the heat as I take this picture.

It was comfortable inside but as the picture reveals, the ice on the windows had not yet completely melted. I am not sure how long the dragon had been belching out fire but I am confident that it will be very comfortable to work inside now. Unfortunately, the next task on the list is to finish hanging the plywood strips on which the siding will hang, which is clearly outside work. Well, this week promises to be considerably warmer than the end of last week.

More Writing on the Wall - 
Mark is shown here perusing the task list on the wall as he waits for the workers to arrive.

 I am impressed with the quality of the task list and the the accompanying plan pictures. I have noted earlier such communications and these appear to my untrained eye to be an upgrade.

I include some previously observed lists and pictures for comparison purposes.

Pencil on scrap lumber.

Marker on foam block.

Full color illustration on corrugated cardboard.

The Hay Departs - 
With the coming of the new heater the hay is no longer needed to prevent the footings from being undermined by frost. So it can go.
Eric piles up the loose stuff in the wheel barrow for transport outside.  Spencer shown below moves bales to the forklift basket for subsequent transport in mass.

Loose hay is packed around the door openings to help keep the winter on the outside and toasty comfort on the inside. 

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